If you see a post in your Planner with the status Failed, it has not been published. If you have scheduled a post for several profiles or networks, it may have only failed on one profile.
This article will first explain how to find the error message. Then you can read the solutions for the most common error messages.
Show failed posts and error messages
To find out which of your posts (for posts that are scheduled for several profiles) failed, you should first open the overview by clicking on the post in the Planner. You can now click through the networks. Here you will see a list of the profiles for which you have planned the post. Successful posts are marked with a green tick. Failed posts are marked with a red triangle with an exclamation mark.
An error message is noted under the name of the profile, which gives you further information about the reason for the failure. In addition, you can open the publication history for this profile by clicking on the small arrow next to the name.
An unknown error occurred / Unexpected error occurred
If you receive such an error message, there is usually a problem on Facebook's side. This is usually fixed within a few minutes.
💡 Solution: Duplicate the post and schedule it for a later date.
Another problem can be targeting settings in a Facebook post. If you have made such settings (News Feed Targeting; Audience Restrictions), check whether countries, regions and cities overlap.
If, for example, you only want to run your post in the city of Hamburg, it is sufficient to add Hamburg as a city. Additional settings for the country Germany will fail the post.
💡 Solution: Clean up the targeting settings so that the country, region and city settings do not overlap.
No access token found / No valid Facebook Access Token available
If the Access Token is displayed as invalid, the corresponding profile is no longer connected to Facelift.
💡 Solution: Update the Access Token of the profile. You can find out how this works in this article. You can only update the Access Token if you are an admin of the profile. If you are not an admin, contact the relevant person.
Permission Error / Application does not have permission for this action
The permission error means that the current access token of the profile does not include all necessary permissions. An error message could look like this, for example: "(#200) Subject does not have permission to post videos on this target"
💡 Solution: The permissions of the access token must be adjusted in Facebook. The admin role should be assigned and all permissions should be enabled. To do this, take another look at the article on adding a Facebook page, especially in step 8, where you can see that all permissions must be selected. If you are not an admin, contact the relevant person.
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