Access tokens are necessary to give Facelift access to your social media profiles. This ensures that access is authorised.
What is an access token
An access token is an authorisation for a tool to act on behalf of a specific social media profile on the respective social network. You need this permission to access the networks' interfaces (APIs) with Facelift and manage your social media profiles. Don't worry - Facelift does not perform any actions you have not authorised explicitly.
💡 For security reasons, these access tokens lose their validity occasionally.
Validity of access tokens
It is impossible to predict exactly when an access token will lose its validity as the networks do not provide sufficient information. However, some possible triggers cause an access token to expire:
Change of password of the person who has set the access token (connected the profile)
The person who set the access token does not have sufficient authorisation in the network itself (e.g. admin rights)
The person who set the access token is blocked by the network itself
💡 LinkedIn and TikTok have implemented a security function. Access tokens must be manually renewed every 365 days.
Update access tokens
You can update the access tokens for your profiles in the profile settings (via the cog in the top right corner). Depending on the network, it is important that you also have the permissions for this in the profiles themselves.
In the three-dot menu next to the corresponding profile, you will find the option Refresh Connection. You must then log in with the required profile. If the update is successful, a green check mark appears for the status of the access tokens.
💡 It is important that the update is done by the admin of the profile in the network itself. This is independent of the Facelift Admin. Please also note the information at the end of the article for the individual networks.
💡 It is best to carry out the update in the incognito mode of your browser. This prevents problems that can arise due to cache and cookies or due to an existing login in another profile that is not to be connected.
Set up notification for expired access tokens
In the settings under Profiles, you can define a profile owner for each profile in the page presets or profile settings option in the three-dot menu next to the respective profile.
In Email Notifications tab, select No access tokens available via the checkbox.
Profile owners then ensure that they have activated the notification Receive notifications when there are no more access token in their own account settings in the email notifications.
Notes and instructions for the individual networks (incl. link collection)
TikTok: It is not possible to connect ad accounts.
LinkedIn: To add a LinkedIn page, you must be a Super-Admin of the company page.
💡 Help with Admin Roles on LinkedIn
Pinterest: If you connect a Pinterest profile with Facelift, it will add all available boards of the Pinterest profile to the profile list. This way, you can manage access to each board individually.
XING: Xing has discontinued support for its API.
Xing profiles can still be connected, and status posts and comments can be published. However, commenting on incoming XING posts in Engagement is not possible.