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Add and manage your Facebook Page (set access token)

Mareike Kittner avatar
Written by Mareike Kittner
Updated over a year ago

You can manage Facebook Pages in Facelift, publish posts, moderate comments, reviews and answer messages.

Add a Facebook Page

Before you can connect a Facebook Page to Facelift you need to make sure that you are an admin for the Facebook Page in the network itself (independent of Facelift admins): Help with roles on the Facebook Page

πŸ’‘ For a smooth process, we recommend using the incognito mode of your browser.

  1. Ensure you are logged in to Facebook with the profile with Facebook admin rights on the page you want to connect.

  2. In the settings, go to Profiles

  3. Go to Add Profiles and select Facebook

  4. You will now be redirected to Facebook

  5. If you selected the profile with admin rights on the corresponding page on Facebook, confirm that you want to continue with the profile. If necessary, you can change the profile in this step.

    πŸ’‘ If you previously connected profiles and would like to add another profile, please select Edit previous settings. Otherwise, only your previously connected profiles will be updated


  6. Now select the Facebook page that you want to connect


  7. If you have Instagram Business Accounts associated with your profile, you will now be asked which Instagram accounts you want to connect - even if you want to connect a Facebook profile. Select one, several or all of them. Don't worry; the Instagram profiles will not be connected to Facelift afterwards.



  8. Now you can take a look at the permissions that you grant Facelift



  9. Click Got it to return to the profile overview in Facelift

  10. Select the page(s) you wanted to add and confirm


You will now find the profile you have connected in the profile overview.

Manage and update access tokens

The profile management options are in the three-dot menu next to the respective profile. Here you can edit the page, change page presets, assign teams to the page and delete the page connection.

You can also update your access token or connection. From time to time, the tokens lose their validity for security reasons and must be renewed. It is also possible to set several tokens for a profile. This prevents the connection to Facelift from being disrupted if one of the tokens expires unexpectedly.

πŸ’‘ We recommend 2-3, but no more than 4 tokens per profile.

Refresh Connection

  1. Select Refresh Connection

  2. Log in with the profile that has admin rights on the page that you want to refresh

  3. All access tokens of the Facebook pages on which your profile has admin rights are automatically refreshed.


  4. You have now successfully updated the profile
    πŸ’‘ You may receive a message that not all connections of all pages can be refreshed. If you have access to pages in Facelift for which your Facebook profile does not have admin rights on Facebook, you cannot refresh the connection (the access token).

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