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@Mentions and Data Retention

Find specific global settings for Facebook, Instagram and privacy here.

Mareike Kittner avatar
Written by Mareike Kittner
Updated over a year ago

Global settings united on one page.

Instagram @Mentions

You can set for your company whether Instagram mentions from image descriptions or comments should appear in your Engagement feed. You have the option to deactivate the mentions for all Instagram profiles together. This can be useful if there are too many mentions, or if you and your colleagues do not want to go into these mentions at all.

Facebook @Mentions

You can set for your company whether Facebook mentions should appear in your unified feed in Engagement. You have the option to deactivate the mentions for all Facebook pages together. This can be useful if there are too many mentions or if you and your colleagues do not want to go into these mentions at all.

Data Retention

You can set an interval for the automated deletion of user data. You or your Company Admin have to decide when this data should be deleted.

👑 Individual intervals for deletion are available in certain Facelift plans only. Find out about plans and prices.

In the data retention section of the general Engagement settings, you can set a fixed period after which data is deleted from Facelift. Deleting the data affects the display of the items in the Engagement area, the Inspector, the Team Performance, the widgets in the Dashboard and Reports regarding Engagement.

However, if there is a new comment on a post, all older comments outside the selected period for retention will also be synced again.

💡 The default setting of the period is also the maximum and is set to 36 months/1080 days.

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