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Campaign, Event and Ideas overview
Campaign, Event and Ideas overview

Keep track of all your past, present and future campaigns and events and work with ideas

Celine Graaf avatar
Written by Celine Graaf
Updated over 8 months ago

Under the headings Campaigns, Events and Ideas in the main menu of Ideate, you will find a list overview of the corresponding elements. Use the overview to see all elements at a glance or to get inspiration for further campaigns or events.

Filter and view options

Basically, all filter and view options are also available for the Campaigns, Events and Ideas sections so that you can create your own views according to your wishes. You can also search for specific objects in the search field, as you already know from the calendar.

You can also click on an item to open the inspector or activity on the right. The three-dot menu gives you the option of editing the item, deleting it, adjusting the team assignment and opening the corresponding task board.

Customise table views

Since the different overviews are table views, you have the option of defining the visible table columns. To do this, click on the symbol to the right of the search bar. A new menu opens.

On the left you will find all the data fields that are not currently in your table, and to the right you will see the data fields that are currently visible. Simply click on the corresponding data fields and move them to Visible Data Fields or Available Data Fields using the two arrows in the middle. You can also use the two arrows on the right to change the order of the visible columns. When you have made the desired setting, click Apply Changes to see your customised table.

Move the mouse over the column titles to get an explanation of the corresponding data field.

Create campaigns and events

Of course, you can also create a new campaign or event directly from the overview by clicking on the blue button at the top right of the screen. The creation works the same way as in the calendar. Read more about it in this article.

You can also create a campaign or event from an idea. To do this, click on the three-dot menu next to an idea in the idea overview and then Edit. With a click on the button Convert to... you can directly turn the idea into an object in the calendar. You will be taken to the editing screen and can make final adjustments.

Create ideas

In the ideas overview, you will find the blue Create Idea button at the top right of the screen. You can choose between three idea types: Simple idea for rough concepts and the more concrete types Campaign Idea and Event Idea.

The idea creation process is similar to that of a campaign or an event. Use ideas to capture initial concepts. They can be converted into an object in the calendar afterwards.

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