The Post Performance in Orchestrate shows you various key figures for your Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter) and LinkedIn posts in a table. Through several filter settings, you can configure individual tables and compare your posts with each other. In addition, Post Performance gives you the option to promote your Facebook posts with just a few clicks.
Create views
By default, there are four views: all Facebook posts from the last 30 days, all X Posts from the last 30 days, all Instagram posts from the last 30 days and all LinkedIn posts from the last 30 days. You can create additional views by selecting the visible columns and filter options.
Select visible columns
Click on the table column symbol to open a menu where you can select which data fields should be visible in your table.
On the left side, you will find all data fields that are currently not in your table. To the right, you will see the data fields that are currently visible. Click on the corresponding data fields and move them to Visible data fields or Available data fields using the two arrows in the middle. You can also use the two arrows on the right to change the order of the visible columns.
When you have made the desired setting, click Apply Changes to see your customised table.
In addition to selecting the visible columns, you can apply various filters to the table. To do this, open the filter settings via the filter icon at the top right of the screen.
You can filter by profile and post type and select a specific period you would like to view. You can also filter by currently promoted posts, deleted posts and tags.
💡Posts promoted in the past cannot be filtered. Alternatively, sort Paid Reach in descending order. In the Post Performance, promoted posts are then displayed at the top. Note that currently promoted posts are also included.
Saving and opening views
By combining filter settings and the selection of visible columns, you can display an individual table. Save it as a view so that you do not have to make the settings again each time. Click on Save as. You can now give the view a name and set the visibility on a team basis.
To open a view created by you or a team member, click on the title of the current view and switch between the different views or clone it by clicking on the three-dot menu.
Read key figures and compare posts
In addition to setting filters and visible columns, other functions help you read your table and compare posts.
Move the mouse pointer over the names of the individual key figures in the header to get an explanation of the corresponding key figure.
By clicking on a key figure in the header, you can sort the entire table according to it. It is then sorted in ascending order. Click again to sort in descending order. In addition, a key figure is calculated for each column at the bottom of the screen. The average is shown here by default, but you can also change the calculation to sum, minimum or maximum.
By clicking on a column, you get a preview of the post and a detailed overview of the key figures. You can also move the mouse pointer over the key figures to get more information about them.
If you want to continue working with Post Performance (for example, to make more in-depth analyses), you can download the current view as a CSV file by clicking on the export symbol.
💡 The Instagram interface (API) only transmits complete data for organic reels. For promoted reels, data such as likes, comments and views are displayed, but no impressions or reach. These values are displayed as 0.
Promote posts
👑 This feature is only included in certain facelift plans. Find out about plans and prices here.
Post Performance in Orchestrate allows you to promote Facebook posts directly. Next to the post preview, you will find a three-dot menu. By clicking on Promote Post (FB), you are forwarded directly to Facebook and can promote the post there with just a few clicks, as you know it from the post creation.
You will also find the option Promote Post in the three-dot menu. This will take you to the Post Promotion process in Advertising. If you would like to learn more about this, this article will help you. Make sure that you have all permissions here and that an ad account is linked to Facelift.