Profile Groups allow you to combine several profiles and eliminate the manual step of selecting your profiles manually each time.
💡 Profile Groups are available for Instagram and Facebook
💡 Profile groups are marked with spread tabs as an icon.
Create and edit profile groups
You will find the profile groups in the settings under profile settings for Facebook→, Instagram→ and Google→.
You can edit or duplicate your profile groups using the three-dot menu next to the respective group. You can also export your profile groups as a CSV file.
To create a group, go to Create Profile Group, fill in the relevant fields and decide which profiles should be part of it. You need access to the corresponding profiles in Facelift to add them to a profile group.
Alternatively, you can create profile groups from the Profile IDs. Click on the drop-down menu next to Create Profile Group and select Create Profile Group via ID.
💡 To use, select and edit profile groups, you need access to ALL profiles in the group. Contact your admin if you cannot access a profile group (anymore).
Using profile groups
Currently, profile groups are available for Facebook and Instagram. You can use
Facebook Profile Groups in Orchestrate while publishing and creating content templates. In Dashboards/Reports you can use them for analysis.
Instagram Profile Groups in Orchestrate while publishing and creating content templates
Google Profile Groups in Orchestrate while publishing and creating content templates
Necessary permissions
There are certain permissions you need to be able to edit and use profile groups fully:
Create Profile Groups
Read Profile Groups
Update Profile Groups
Delete Profile Groups