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Real-time exchange within Facelift

Mareike Kittner avatar
Written by Mareike Kittner
Updated over 3 weeks ago

You can exchange information in real-time with your team members and non-Facelift users via the chat within Facelift. The conversation takes place directly and contextually on the selected object. An object is, for example, a post in Orchestrate or an item in Engagement.

The new chat is currently available in Orchestrate and the Amplify part of Facelift. In other parts of Facelift, you can still use the discussion.

In the chat, you can send, edit and delete messages. To edit or delete your message, go to the respective message and use the three-dot menu at the top right of the message. You can only edit and delete your own messages.

💡 The message will be flagged as edited visibly for everyone and include an editing timestamp.

A filled-in chat symbol indicates that the chat already contains messages. By hovering, you can check the number of messages.

Mentioning people in a chat

When posting in the chat, you can use @mention to include people in the conversation. You can choose from all users whose permission and assignment allow them to access the selected object and the context-based conversation. Mentioned users will receive a notification.

Adding external participants via email

You can also add people without Facelift access to the conversation through email. Type their email address after the @ symbol and click on it or hit the "Enter" -key on your keyboard, then select the email displayed under "External User."

When external participants join the chat, a warning sign appears. If you click on it, the message that external users have been added to the chat is shown. You can remove external users anytime by clicking the 'x' next to their email address.

Follow chat

Each chat has an eye symbol in the top right corner. Here, you will find the chat participant list. You can also follow/unfollow a chat by clicking/deselecting the "Follow this chat" button. You can also remove external persons who participate in the chat via e-mail from the chat at any time.

As participants of the chat are automatically added:

  • the object owner (post owner, assignee in Engagement, etc.)
    💡 In the event of a change of assignment, previous owners remain participants in the chat, and the new owner is added.

  • people who send a message in the chat

  • people who are mentioned

💡 Participants of a chat are notified of new messages by e-mail.

Data privacy and deletion

If the object to which the chat refers is deleted in Facelift, the associated chat is also removed.

Chat content from a person removed from Facelift as a user will not be deleted. It is still available and will be displayed in an anonymized form.

Notification via email

You will receive e-mail notifications for each chat that you follow or to which you are automatically added as a follower/participant. In this email, you can unfollow the chat directly, i.e. to no longer receive notifications for this chat.

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