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Company and Team Admin

Dealing with administration rights in Facelift

Celine Graaf avatar
Written by Celine Graaf
Updated over a year ago

Company Admins are responsible for setting up and managing Facelift. They can set up users, teams and permissions, and global settings. Team Admins are suitable for structures with several teams that are managed independently.

πŸ’‘ You can reach your Company or Team Admin on the start page in the help area on the right via Contact your Admin.

Company Admin

As a Company Admin, you can access all areas and contents in Facelift. You are the contact person for Facelift. You are one of the people in your team who knows Facelift best and works with it regularly. You are also the contact person for your team in case of questions and are generally authorised to contact our support.

Your tasks and capabilities include the following:

  • Company set-up and administration (users, teams, permissions, profiles)

  • Company settings and security (login message, 2FA, data protection)

  • Global settings (labels, link handling, individual menu items)

  • Settings for the different areas

Team Admin

πŸ‘‘ This feature is only included in certain Facelift plans. Find out about plans and prices here.
Team Admins are a useful addition to support Company Admins and allow teams to work independently. Team admins can take over the administration of the users in their team, check their performance and edit their own team. The differences can be checked in the table below.

Company Admin

Team Admin

Adding, editing and removing default users

All users

Only users of their own teams and sub-teams

Adding and removing users to/from teams

All users

Only users of their own teams and sub-teams

Adding and removing teams

All teams

Only sub-teams to their own teams

Editing teams

All teams

Only their own teams and sub-teams

Adding, editing and removing Team Admins



Adding, editing and removing Company Admins



Adding, editing and removing Permission Sets



Company-wide access



Only team-wide access

Viewing Team Performance metrics

All teams

Only own teams and sub-teams

In the overview of all users, Company and Team Admins are clearly labelled. Company Admins with a star symbol and Team Admins with a two-person symbol.

Delegate Admin Permissions

In the case of holidays or other absences, it can be useful to give the role of Admin, with all the associated rights and accesses, to a substitute to take care of the administration of the users.

  1. In the settings under Users, search for the user profile of the person who will be absent in the future (this can also be yourself).

  2. In the three-dot menu, click on Transfer Admin Rights.

  3. Select the deputy target user and the admin rights that are to be transferred.

πŸ’‘ If the person whose rights are to be transferred has several admin rights, you must decide which rights will be transferred. In this case, the admin limit for the account mustn't be reached. You can see your current admin limit in the user overview in the settings.

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