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Managing Profiles
Michael Hasenberg avatar
Written by Michael Hasenberg
Updated over 6 months ago

Adding social media profiles

A profile is any publicly available social media page on one of the offered social media networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok).

  1. To add a profile, go to the profile section and click 'New Profile'.

  2. You can search for profiles by typing the name of the brand (e.g. Facelift Data Studio) or pasting the entire URL from a social media network (e.g. and press enter.

  3. All the results will appear and you can select which profile you would like to add. You can also filter by Social Networks.

  4. After clicking select you can 'Visit Profile Page' to make sure it's the correct profile you wish to track.

  5. You will also see how many Profiles and Profile Swaps you currently have available.

  6. After double-checking it's the right profile click 'Add Profile'.

  7. You will then have the option to add it to a group, write an appendix and give a custom colour.

  8. Click 'Done' if finished or 'Add another Profile'.

How to delete a profile

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