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Working with the Date Selector
Michael Hasenberg avatar
Written by Michael Hasenberg
Updated over a year ago

The Date Selector makes it easy to choose the time period for analysis at any given point in time. Similar to the Profile Selector, the setting will be used throughout the app.


Mentioned below are the several ways of how to select a desired period of time:

  1. To choose an exact time period, click the respective date on the calendar sheet from the time you would like to begin your search and the time period for which you would like to see the result (i.e. Start Date & End Date).

  2. For fast searches you can also click on the typical predefined time periods available on the right side (for example 'Last 7 days').

  3. To save time and several clicks you can also use the Smart Search option (or example April 2017 to May 2017) and you are done.

All date selections become effective once the 'Apply' button is clicked. If you wish to choose a bigger time period you can also switch between a Daily, Weekly and Monthly analysis. If a Weekly or Monthly analysis is taken, depending on the metric type you will receive a total sum or an averaged value.

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