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What is an Interval?
Michael Hasenberg avatar
Written by Michael Hasenberg
Updated over 10 months ago

In Facelift Data Studio you can choose between several intervals to display your data. An interval describes the time period between two data points. There are 2 different categories of intervals to distinguish. First category is time series interval. If you want to show data over time you might want to use the time series intervals which include the daily, weekly and monthly interval. It’s the same intervals you see in the date selector in Facelift Data Studio.


Daily Interval

If you select the daily interval the time period between the data points would be one day. In the following screenshot you see the Own Posts line chart. It shows the number of posts published in a certain interval. In our example you see that on the 26th of August two posts were published. The respective interval goes from 26th of August 00:00:00 until 26th of August 23:59:59.


Weekly Interval

The next time series interval is the weekly interval. In the following screenshot you again see the number of posts published in a certain interval. In this case the interval is one week. In week 32 for example the page published 10 posts. This interval goes from 7th of August 00:00:00 until 13th of August 23:59:59. The data for a certain period is always shown at the beginning of the interval so in our example you see the the number of published posts in week 32 on the 7th of August.


Monthly Interval

The monthly interval is similar to the weekly interval. In the following screenshot you see that the selected page published 39 posts in July 2017. The interval goes from 1st of July until 31st of July. Again you see that the data for the period is shown at the beginning of the interval.


Total Interval

The other category of intervals is the total interval. The total interval aggregates the data for the full selected period. Most of the table metrics you find in Facelift Data Studio use a total interval. In the following screenshot you see the Key Metrics Table. This table uses a total interval and doesn’t listen to the time series interval which is selected in the date selector. The selected date in our example is 1st of August to 31st of August but you can choose any time frame. Looking at the “Posts” column you see the number of all posts published in the selected period. Absolute values like the Fan number will show the value at the end of the selected period when using a total interval. In our example it shows the fan value the page had on the 31st of August. The Fans Change is the difference between the number of fans at the start of the selected interval and the number of fans at the end of the selected period.

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