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Set Up the Amplify App and Create Templates
Set Up the Amplify App and Create Templates

Create templates that your employees can share on their private networks using the Amplify app

Mareike Kittner avatar
Written by Mareike Kittner
Updated over 7 months ago

With the Amplify App -formerly known as Social Share-, your employees can share your company's content on their private social media profiles. Let your employees become brand ambassadors for your company, brand, and products.

To do this, you create templates that can then be shared by your employees using the Amplify app (available for Android and iOS). The employees themselves decide which content they want to share on which networks. Learn how sharing works for your employees in this article.

Activate users for Amplify

As a Company Admin, it is your task to activate the desired users for Amplify. To give them access to your templates in the Amplify app, they must be added as users in Facelift.

You also need to assign them the Amplify permission set that gives them access to the Amplify app. This is available by default in Facelift.

To do this, create new users or edit existing ones using the three-dot menu in the Users section of the Admin Settings. In the new window, you can select the Amplify permission set by clicking on the + under the item Permission sets and save the changes.

The person can now access the Amplify app and log in with their Facelift access data.

Create templates

You create the content that you want to make available to your employees in the Amplify area in Orchestrate in Facelift.

Design a new content template via Create template. Select the networks on which sharing of the post should be possible and fill them with content. Under Settings you will find the option of adding a description and an image for the template. You can also optionally specify a period of use.

Amplify works with interests. Users of the Amplify app can initially select interests for which they want to share content. They only see the templates in their Amplify app that belong to their selected interests. You select these under the item Interests by clicking on the +.

After you are done with the creation, click on Save.

To make your content available in the Amplify App, click on Activate Template. Your employees can now see the content you have provided in the Amplify Mobile App and share it on their private social media accounts.

You can also create Amplify templates from post templates or posts.

Create interests

Amplify interests are a specific type of label. That means you create a new interest in the Labels section of the Settings. In the Label Management section, click on Create Label.

First, give the new interest a name. Note that your employees can also see this name in their Amplify app when they select the interest. Next, select Interests as the label type in the drop-down menu.

Finally, you decide on the team assignment. This applies both to the employees who are provided with content in the Amplify app and to the people who create templates.

💡 Make sure to assign the interests to the right team. This is the only way that all members of the team will be able to select these interests in the Amplify app. The same applies to people who are to create templates. They can only link the interests to the content templates if they belong to the corresponding team.

Necessary permissions to create templates

To create templates that can then be shared via the Amplify App, specific permissions must be available. You can assign these as a Company Admin.

Make sure that the corresponding users have been assigned a permission set that allows them to perform the following activities in Orchestrate:

  • Create Amplify Templates: To activate templates for Amplify and add interests

In addition, the points regarding Labels must be enabled in the section Global in the permission set.

💡 Also, remember the correct team assignment of interests described earlier in this article.

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