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Replying in Engagement

Reply to incoming items directly in your feed

Mareike Kittner avatar
Written by Mareike Kittner
Updated over 10 months ago

All your connected profiles are united in our Engagement. It allows you to respond quickly and appropriately to all concerns of your community, either spontaneously or by using response templates. Answer messages, respond to reviews, check your mentions, and moderate comments below your posts.

💡 You can decide whether you want to close the item directly or just send a reply. If the person replies, a new, open item is created in either case.

Replying to comments and reviews

To reply to incoming comments and reviews, select the corresponding item from your feed in the left column. The items' context is displayed on the right, e.g. the post under which the comment is posted.

Depending on the network, you can decide whether you would like to reply with a comment or with a private message and additionally from which profile this message should be sent. This way, you can easily reply to inquiries on your pages with your profile. Type your reply into the text field, use response templates, or save a draft reply.

For LinkedIn, we offer the "Answer as" feature. So if a customer has several LinkedIn company profiles or a company profile and one or more private LinkedIn profiles connected, the user has the option to "answer as" another profile to comments on a Company Profile.

💡 If you want to reply to a comment with a private message, there is a reply period of 7 days for some networks.

Replying to a Google Review

Google reviews allow only one response by the reviewed company. This response can be edited. Therefore, the response is always attached to the feed item. When selecting the Google Review in the feed, the response is in edit mode by default.

Reply to messages

To reply to incoming messages, select the corresponding item from your feed in the left column. To the right, the context of this item is displayed.

For WhatsApp, there is a limited time (24 hours) to reply. This time window is intended to protect users from spam and advertising messages.

You can submit message templates for WhatsApp that allow you to respond even after 24 hours have expired.

Response Templates

Response templates are pre-formulated messages that you can use to respond efficiently to recurring customer inquiries. You can find your Response Templates on the right side of your answer box.

When creating your own response templates, make sure you give them a descriptive name, as this will be displayed as you select it.

You have two options for creating new response templates.

  • First, you can directly save an answer as a template by clicking on the symbol with the plus.

  • The second option is to go to the settings. Here you can create new response templates, edit existing templates and get an overview of all your available templates.

Response Templates also give you the possibility to work with placeholders that automatically insert the name of the person you are replying to.

💡 On Instagram and X, the placeholders are automatically replaced with the @handle (name of the profile).

Reply Draft

You can save a Reply Draft using the button in the lower right corner of an item. The draft can also be seen and used by other Facelift users in your team.

Replying with a message template (WhatsApp)

If the 24 hours after receiving the message have expired, you can now click Create Message from Template. A pop-up opens where you can select the appropriate message template in the relevant language.

💡 Make sure that there are no placeholders left in your final answer.

If you click on Add Message, the message will not be sent directly. Instead, you can edit your text again or remove it from the reply area. If everything is fine, you can send it.

Using @mentions in a reply

If you want to mention profiles in your reply, you can type the @ sign and the name of the profile when replying.

It is currently possible to mention the following types of profiles via the API:

  • The Facebook user who you are replying to and Business profiles

  • LinkedIn contacts that are following you

  • X profiles (keep in mind, that X is only suggesting you one user and not list of users)

  • The Instagram user who you are replying to and Business profiles

For Instagram profiles, no suggestions are displayed. The correct Instagram profile name must be entered manually. It should also be noted that Instagram users can exclude such mentions in their privacy settings.

Delete replies

It is possible to delete your own or third-party comments from the network. To do this, click on the three-dot menu next to the item you want to delete and click on Delete Content.

Deleted elements are marked in Facelift with a small trash can and are no longer displayed in the social network.

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