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Breaking changes when using the Facelift Data Studio API - 25th of April, 2018
Breaking changes when using the Facelift Data Studio API - 25th of April, 2018
Michael Hasenberg avatar
Written by Michael Hasenberg
Updated over 10 months ago

Due to changed namings and definitions in the Facebook Insights API, we need to adjust some of our data sources you access via the Facelift Data Studio API. The changes will take effect on Wednesday, April 25th between 1pm and 2pm UTC.

Are your API requests affected?

If you access one of the following Facelift Data Studio data sources, you might be affected:

  • FacebookInsights

  • FacebookInsightsOwnPosts

  • FacebookInsightsExpiredPosts

  • FacebookInsightsPageLikesAndUnlikesBySource (read more about the change of this data source here.)

If you don’t access one of these Facelift Data Studio data sources, you don’t need to read further.

What are the changes?

Facebook is redefining the use of organic from not paid, not viral to not paid (viral + nonviral) and introducing a new set of metrics called nonviral which will match the old definition of organic. This change reflects the status quo from the Facebook page manager insights.

From that point onwards, the relationship between page and post level impressions is:

Total impressions are paid impressions + organic impressions

Organic impressions are viral impressions + nonviral impressions

Facebook will also return a different set of page like and unlike sources. The new sets are less detailed.

What actions do you need to take?

Please prepare your QQL Queries for April 25th. We will create a new incident on our status page. Once the updates are done, you can use the new, adjusted, queries prepared with the following recipes:

If the query accesses the FacebookInsights, FacebookInsightsOwnPosts or FacebookInsightsExpiredPosts data source:

Please use the following tables and if you access one of the fields in the left column, rename it with the name from the right column. The color blue indicates that a query using that column will not fail, but, if not adjusted, the data in return will follow a different definition then the intended one. The color red indicates that a query using that column will fail if not adjusted.


QQL Query before the change: It will still work after the change, but will return different data, so would be semantically wrong.

SELECT page_impressions_organic FROM facebookInsights

QQL Query after the change returning the same data as before, so staying semantically correct.

SELECT page_impressions_nonviral FROM facebookInsights

QQL Query before the change: It will not work anymore, because the field is removed.

SELECT page_impressions_by_paid_non_paid_paid FROM facebookInsights

QQL Query after the change: It will work semantically in the same way as before.

SELECT page_impressions_paid FROM facebookInsights

If the query accesses the FacebookInsightsPageLikesAndUnlikesBySource:

In this case, the fields of this data source won’t change, but the values in return will.

The new set of sources is less detailed and different. If you use the source field as a criterion in your WHERE statement, you need to adjust your query.

Example 1:

SELECT source, SUM(likesUnique) AS likes FROM facebookInsightsPageLikesAndUnlikesBySource WHERE likesUnique > 0 GROUP BY source

Before the change the output might have been:

{"success": true,"data": [{"source": "feed_story","likes": 7},{"source": "page_profile","likes": 4},{"source": "search","likes": 1}]}

After the change, the output will then look like this:

{"success": true,"data": [{"source": "News Feed","likes": 7},{"source": "Search","likes": 1},{"source": "Your Page","likes": 4}]}

Example 2:

SELECT source, SUM(likesUnique) AS likes FROM facebookInsightsPageLikesAndUnlikesBySource WHERE source = "feed_story" GROUP BY source

Before the change, the output might have been:

{"success": true,"data": [{"source": "feed_story","likes": 16}]}

After the change, the output will be:

{"success": true,"data": []}

If you have any issues or questions, please reach out to our support team!

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