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Changes to Facebook's API - April 4th, 2018
Changes to Facebook's API - April 4th, 2018
Michael Hasenberg avatar
Written by Michael Hasenberg
Updated over 10 months ago

Facebook has decided to make further changes to their API for data privacy reasons, concerning both Facebook and Instagram. These changes don't just affect Facelift Data Studio, but all social media analytics/data tools. From the 4th of April, 2018 Facebook has applied the following changes:

Facebook Private messages

Facebook has paused allowing people to give access to their Page's private messages for now. If you have given our tool access to read your Page's private messages before, you can still use related metrics (e.g. Private Conversations Table). Facebook is tracking that issue at

It is still possible to connect to basic insights (without inbox) covering all the Insights statistics except for a page’s private messages.

Free-text search

We can no longer provide free-text search for Facebook Pages within our Add Profile dialog. For Facebook Pages and Instagram Business Accounts, you have to use the direct Page URL (e.g. instead to add new Facebook Pages and Instagram Business Accounts.

Instagram API

Facebook has shut off the former Instagram public API with immediate effect. We will be using the new Instagram Graph API for importing page and post-level data for Instagram Business Accounts going forward.

Instagram's API stopped providing data to us regarding the following count of an account, therefore the below metrics won't show new data anymore:

  • Following Change Rate

  • Following Total

  • Following Change

Instagram Business Accounts

From now on, only Instagram Business Accounts can be added to our tool, Instagram has turned off the ability to analyze personal user accounts. If you have the admin rights to an account that is a personal account, you can easily change it to a Business Account. You can read how to do this here.

Please note, that if you already have a personal Instagram account added to Facelift Data Studio (this was possible until the 4th of April, 2018) we won't be able to either import data for it or connect it to Insights. In this case, you'll see a person icon on the profile card in the Profiles section and you'll need to convert the owned account into a Business Account.


If you converted your personal account into a Business one, our system will still need to tag it to be able to import data for it. If you click on the account in the Profile section, you'll see the Profile Details, where you just simply need to click "Tag as business account"

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