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Disconnecting Facebook Insights
Michael Hasenberg avatar
Written by Michael Hasenberg
Updated over 10 months ago

In this article, you can read about how to disconnect your Facebook Insights within our tool and also on Facebook directly.

If you no longer want Facebook Insights or your client requires you to disconnect just find the Page you wish to disconnect in the Profiles section. Hover over the profile card and click on the 3 dots, then click "Update Facebook Insights". You can then simply just turn off the Insights button:


After you have disconnected Insights in our tool, the next step would be to remove the Facelift Data Studio app permissions on Facebook.

How to disconnect on Facebook directly:

Log into Facebook and go to the settings. In the below image click on 'Apps' to see all the apps you have previously given specific permissions.


Once you have found Facelift Data Studio, click on edit settings.


It will now give you the option to untick what the app can and cannot access, then click save. If you wish to remove the app completely you can do so via ticking the box next to the app and then clicking 'Remove'. After this, there are no further connections between Facebook insights and Facelift Data Studio.

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