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Discover - Finding Dashboards
Michael Hasenberg avatar
Written by Michael Hasenberg
Updated over a year ago

In this article, we'll explain how to search and save Dashboard in the Discover section. To read about how to search Metrics in this section click here.

You can browse through Dashboards without using any of the filters by clicking the arrows on the two sides.

To make the browsing process easier you can search by using different filters or keywords. On the left-hand side, you can choose a Social Network that you wish to analyze. After this step, you'll see all of our Dashboard for that one network. To be even more specific you can not only choose a network but a Use Case as well. Furthermore, you can type in any keyword or keywords at the top of the page.

After seeing your results you can click on a Dashboard and have a quick overview of what the dashboard holds (description, metrics, use cases). If you found the dashboard you wish to use you can just click on 'Save Dashboard' at the bottom left corner of the Dashboard card to add it to your list of dashboards.

You'll also see dashboards that have a small key sign on them. These dashboards will only work with pages/accounts that you have connected to private level analytics.

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