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Metric Settings in tables and charts
Michael Hasenberg avatar
Written by Michael Hasenberg
Updated over a year ago

There are plenty of customization options for metrics on your dashboards. To access these settings, click on the 3 dots in the top right corner of the metric then select Edit Settings.

Custom Metric Name

You can specify a specific name you wish this metric to have. This can be especially useful if you are having customized version of this metric compared to how it is set up on other dashboards.

Chart Type

It is now easier than ever to change the chart type of a metric! Before, this change had to be specified explicitly in the code and saved as a different metric. Now, for most metric types (excluding tables), you can switch chart types with the click of a button.

Report Notes

This field is optional and will add any text you include below this metric in the automated PDF report for this dashboard.

Bind to Global Profile & Date Selector

By default, metrics are all bound to the profile selector and date selector within the tool. However, if you want to unbind this and set up a specific time range, profile or profile group to be bound to one metric, you can do so as shown below. This way the metric will always show the data for the specific time range and for the specific profiles regardless of the global profile and date selector.

Customizing Table Settings

All the table widgets can be further adapted to our personal needs. In addition to the standard widget settings, there are more options available for table widgets. You can also:

  • Adjust the sorting and direction

  • Display a limited number of results

  • Hide/unhide columns

If the table widgets are customized, the same sorting orders are automatically used for all reports and file export/s.

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