With our Salesforce integration, you can transfer certain elements from Engagement directly to your Salesforce environment.
The conversation history is automatically transferred, and you can add more contact details.
👑 The Salesforce Integration is available on our Enterprise plan. Reach out to our Customer Success team to get access. Get in touch →
Permissions on Salesforce for Facelift
We would suggest that you create a dedicated user and profile in Salesforce.
The permissions needed for the profile are:
API Enabled
Read & Create on Cases
Field Level Security → Edit access in these case fields:
Web Email
Web Name
Web Phone
You may want to manage the connected app if your organization has unique security requirements. To do so, you'll need to install the app first.
There are two ways to install the app:
1.: Search for the app in Connected Apps OAuth Usage and click Install.
Use the following packages to install the App. This is also required if you have API Access Control enabled and need to pre-approve apps for their usage.
Integrate Salesforce in Facelift
For the integration of Salesforce, you must get your Salesforce Domain Name.
Follow our instructions to add third-party integrations in Facelift.
💡Make sure to add “https://” in to your Salesforce Domain.
💡You can create as many Salesforce integrations as you wish, but Engagement uses the integration that you added last.
Once you have integrated Salesforce in Facelift, you can edit or delete the integration or change the team assignment.
Create Salesforce cases
If you want to create a Salesforce case from an element in Engagement, click on the element. This opens the Inspector in the right column.
Be aware that Salesforce cases can only be created from messages or conversations. For other item types, e.g. comments or reviews, the Salesforce Case tab is not displayed in the Inspector.
Click on Salesforce Case to open the overview of already created cases. If you click on a case number, you will be taken directly to the corresponding Salesforce case and can view further details.
You can also open a new case via Create Salesforce Case. Enter name, email, phone number (optional), subject and description.
💡If the element you selected in Engagement already exists in a Salesforce case, you cannot transfer it again.